I really do not watch too much TV. I can not even remember the last time I turned it on, but I did come across these images from Gossip Girls via
Darling Dexter. I have never seen the show, so can anyone tell me if they always dress this fabulous? I so would take any one of these dresses any day of the week.
{images via Darling Dexter via basswaldorf}
I love Gossip Girl (I know, I am way immature). THey don't always dress great, but this character, Blair, is super preppy and usually looks adorable. THe other main character's wardrobe is much trendier and more dispensable.
I love Gossip Girl, especially the Fashion. I like to immitate some of their fashion.
my sister says they do always dress fabulous and she says she always looks them up and they are way to expensive :) i love the middle dress the best..not a fan of the show but to each their own :)
Yes they do always dress that fabulous. I admit it, I watch it. While it won't make you a smarter or better person the sets and fashion make it worth it!
i would happily take any clothes from the set!
I would take any or ALL of the three dresses. SO me, all of them . You have such GREAT taste!
i love dresses... and all three of those are great!
These dresses are all so lovely-would love them all and her body to go along with it:)
oh I wish i was blair..or had the means to dress like blair! i love her style so much more than serena!
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