I really do love it and I know I am on a shopping hiatus, but I was afraid with Domino being no more that they would be gone by the end of my hiatus. I was surprised when Cottage Living folded, but I honestly thought Domino would easily make it so needless to say I was extra surprised. For me personally, I love to curl up and take in a lovely magazine. It is one of my favorite things to do. Don't get me wrong I love all the inspiration I get on-line, but there is something a little extra special about turning a nice shiny page. I am also a little bummed out with me wasting a lot of money on magazine subscriptions in my attempt to save some by not buying them off the stand.Then again I suppose it is worse for all those that were tied to the magazine to be out of a job. Oh, and not to worry I am still on the hiatus. I fully do believe I need it more than ever.
What are some of your favorite magazines? Surely I do not receive all the good one's already.
One last thing, the book photo also reveals a sneak peak into my almost completed bedroom re.do. I can't wait to share the whole transformation soon.
OMG- you have been so busy the peak at your room looks SOOOO great! Oh you should see mine right now(HUGE sigh). But we are getting there(slowly). My favorite magazine is for sure hands down:DWELL. Have a happy day!!
wow..your room is marvelous..you are so creative!! :) I cannot wait to see it ALL! :)
I have a subscription to Domino and I will miss it as well. :( I get Everyday with Rachel Ray and Family Fun and BH&G.
It upsets me so much that publishing companies are struggling. Especially trying to get into that business. Domino was definatly one of my favorites. Your room does look fabulous though. good luck continuing your shopping hiatus.
What a beautiful tribute! I'm so excited to see your new do!
I can't wait to see your room! It looks great. I am magazine junkie and got the news that both Domino and Home Companion were folding on the same day. So sad. I just started getting Elle Decor. Definitely high brown but great for inspiration.
a few things ...
can't wait to see your room! very exciting.
where did you find the Domino book in B-ham? It's been alluding me, and I know that if I go to Amazon I will end up buying more books in order to get free shipping ...
also, you might be interested in this: For less than $5/month you can get up to three magazines, and then you can change them every month if you're not satisfied with that title. I doubt I'm adequately explaining it, but it sounds pretty dang cool to me!
still, without Cottage Living and Domino I'm pretty much out of personal inspiration. I do like Real Simple, but there's not as much eye candy/inspiration. Better Homes and Gardens and Country Living will occassionaly satisfy me.
OH, but don't feel bad about not buying magazines -- newsstand sales and subscriptions are just a drop in the bucket. All of their profit is in ad sales.
That purchase doesn't count, it could be an endangered item soon! I am loving what I can see so far of the room, can't wait for the big reveal!
oh, excellent purchase! And your room is looking marvelous. I am experience the same what to read dilemma--I really like Living Etc, House Beautiful, Belle, UK Homes and Gardens...
I bought their book back in the fall when I bought the new subscription. It will be missed....Sounds like I should take a sneak peak at your room. I have been waiting to see the room!
your new room looks so beautiful, i love that wallpaper!
i got that book too as a christmas present and loved it so much i was thinking of subscribing online, too late now, so sad. my fav on home is prob elle decor uk, but still exploring at the moment!
I will always treasure my Domino book after the mag is gone! Maybe Living Etc will finally start shipping to the US. That seems like the only decent shelter mag left! Thank goodness I still have my Vogue.
OH, what a peek! That wallpaper is wonderful! I can't wait to see all of it. As for magazines, beside the two favorites that are now gone, I like House Beautiful. I also like Real Simple, but like Jennifer said, there is no eye candy. BHG and DYI sometimes has good inspiration.
Love your lamp!! where'd you get it? also have the domino book & am trying to savor it & not read it all at once :)
i can't wait to see your bedroom! i am a magazine junkie. i am scared to type out all of the ones i receive.
I can't believe the wallpaper you picked - I almost picked the EXACT SAME one for my dining room! I LOVE it!! Can't wait to see the whole room!
As for mags, I just don't know... my two favorites were Cottage Living and Domino (well, US Weekly too, but you weren't asking about that kind!). Real Simple doesn't really cut it on the design front. Not sure what I'll do.
I need to buy that book asap too - I hope it's still out there!
I see the paper!!!! I love it :) I'm excited for the full picture! :) as for magazines I have allllways been against wasting money on magazines...until this past year when I caved and got Simple Scrapbooking Mag.....I love it! I dont love that it only comes 6 to a year :( so Eric's Aunt got me one that comes every month! I havent gotten one yet but that means this year I will be getting TWO magazines! that's a first for me! both on scrapbooking :) I know..I'm a dork :)!
if i hadn't already gotten the book for christmas, i probably would've caved too.
your room looks gorgeous.
honestly (and i know this is boringn) but my favorite magazine is vogue.
I know.. I am so sad about this.. I think the book is a must have a very good reason to take a small detour from your fast :) And your bedroom... woah.. I was wondering if that was your house.. fabulousness!! Can't wait to see!
I cannot wait to see your room! I am already transfixed , fabulous.
I agree even though I am so inspired daily on the web, nothing can replace the feeling of sitting in the sun or in quite reading my magazines, I will miss Domino..
Oh, I have been wanting to get that domino book too. Bummed the mag is over. No other design mag really compares. I sometimes will read real simple...but doesn't compare and it really isn't the same type of mag anyway.
I love that lamp!!
I love that lamp!
I also just bought that book. I'd been dragging my feet due to my own spending hiatus, but when I heard they folded I gave in to my baser instincts and snapped it up. I'm hoping to find some great inspiration for my own bedroom. Can't wait to see yours!
I can't wait to see your completed bedroom. You are on it girl! Buying the Domino book is a great idea.
dwellings and decor
Paula! Wow! Those lamps look seriously awesome in your room! What a funny coincidence that we both thought of them for a bedroom. I guess great minds think alike!
I'm thinking I might pick up two for my girls' new room (when we move this summer). Do you feel like the height is good? Too high? Just right?
Can't wait to see the finished product. And where on earth did you get that beautiful wallpaper? Gorgeous.
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