I can't quite remember the saying, but you know when one thing happens it seems like a lot of other things happen all at the same time. I really wish I could remember that saying, hmm. Well, anyway it has been one of those weeks. People I love dearly are hurting. This makes my heart hurt. One had a dear friend die, another was diagnostic with cancer, and another is also sick and I am not sure how or if she even wants to be reached (this one hurts the most). The selfish part of me just wants to take my hubby and two kiddos and live hidden from the junk. Yes, I know it is better to help those in need and pray, but sometimes I just grow tired. Just sometimes. This would be my lovely hiding place

Knowing that I am not really going to hide also has me thinking that others may be having a hard day, week, year whatever and are able to hide out here in blog land too. To this I would like to offer any prayer you may need. Send me an e-mail if this is something you may desire. Even if you are not sure about the whole God thing a little prayer never hurt anyone, right? Oh, and just for your information I am a pastor's wife. This does not mean my prayers are any more powerful, but it does mean I know the importance of keeping things between you and me (and of course God) only.
{images via Dwell}
Beautiful post..Paula.
you are too sweet. I'll say a prayer for your friends and your hurting heart.
thanks for this... it's touching. saying prayers for your friends and for your family's coping of it.
Sweet post, it is nice to know that people like you are out there in the blog world.
what a sweet post, so sorry to hear that & hope things will get better for those important to you :)
You have a good heart, and are very caring. I agree its really hard to not feel like you want to run and hide, when you are in a better situation then others. It has been a very difficult year for so many people but i have hope that it will work itself out the way God wants it to.
You always have had such a big heart! I think some days we all want to hide, it is human nature. Things are starting to get bad our here because of the economy. It is so sad, so many people right now truly are having a hard time. It makes me do a self check and be thankful for all the blessing I have.
Such a lovely and sweet post Paula. First of all, I am so sorry to hear about your friends and that they are hurting. Secondly, this that would be a very very lovely and peaceful place to escape to!
what a thoughtful post... thanks for sharing! i pray that God's comfort will be upon you and your friends during these difficult days...
on another note- I agree wtih Blair- how fun would it be if we could run off and hide somewhere fabulous like in the photos?!?!
You are so sweet; I'll say a prayer for your friends and you. I totally know what it's like to see others suffering and there's just nothing you can do about it but hope and pray!
I would totally love to go hide out at that place too.
i want to be selfish and hide with you! its been a hard week for us too..but i know that many people such as your dear friends have even greater problems! we all must just put our faith in Him! cant wait to see ya!
Very sincere and heartfelt post!! It's a blessing to know that someone's out there is ready to pray with you, if needed. Of course, prayer is needed everyday. Thanks so much. BTW, if you ever decide to runaway to such a beautiful place as this, let me know so I can pack my bags.....or not :)
Great Post!!
It's interesting that you bring this up because everywhere I turn there seems to be sadness and frustration. I have had some of my own this week but not nearly as bad as some of the people that I know and it just reminds me that my problems are quite small in comparison. Thank you for this lovely post and a little reminder to pray.
So sorry to hear about your week. I will say a little prayer for you and your friends.
Paula I love your sweet heart. I too want to run away some days to thet same place. and my husband and I once thought hard about that! But we stayed. and we found happiness in what we have-but it took work(and I know you must know what I mean- bc you seem to have a happy family like I do-and its work to get to figuring it all out perfectly)...I have hurting friends now too, who are divorcing, and doing terrible things that make me want to judge(but I don't), and hatred and bad seems to always try to creep in..but just pray for and love those friends of yours now more then ever and the ones you want to push away(invite them over for tea) because life is so short-and WE CAN help people out there who hurt. And it is in a simple prayer and smile. So continue being your bad ass self girl!
Whoooo---long comment, sorry. Your post moved me.
I am a silent reader but I had to delurk to tell you that you have pne powerful and beautiful soul Paula for offering prayers when your own loved ones are hurting. Prayers heal and bring us together. Holding the hands of those who pray and feeling the comfort of their hopes and trust heals too.
Prayers will be said for you tonight.
Paula.. I'm praying for your and your friends. I've been feeling the urge to get away lately too... this week I've been reading.. Philipians 4:6-7 in the Message. I'm sure you know this well but I love how it is written in the Message..
Have a good weekend and thanks for the kind mention in your last post!
xx Trina
So very sorry to hear about your hardships, sending you peaceful vibes.
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