
Shopping Hiatus {2}

I have been shopping a lot, too much if you ask me, but it hasn't been for me at all. It has been mostly for the home I have been decorating. It is coming along and I hope to have it wrapped up soon and I will be sure to share. While, hubby was away I did get to do a bit of yard saling. My intention was to find a few lovely deals for the home I am decorating, which I did find an old trunk that I am going to attach casters to and make a coffee table. I also happened to find a wonderful old wooden chair that needs just a bit of painting. I really have no where to put it, but I fell in love, it reminds me of an old chair that my grandfather once owned. It cost me a whooping $5.00.

Okay, okay, since you dragged it out of me, I also bought a new pair of sandals. It is all a blur really. Hubby was away and I was trying to prolong my having to go to bed alone so I was searching all my favorite sites then I came across these lovely shoes and I had another 20% off code and before I knew it I was getting an email saying thank you for my recent purchase. I don't think of it as a complete failure though, my pair that I currently own are slowly but surely falling apart bit by bit, they are a few years old and I wear them all summer long. I shall think of my new sandals more as an investment, surely my feet will thank me...


  1. I am loving that you are a shopping addict like myself and can truely justify any purchase no matter how big or small...it is a gift :)

    Love the sandals!

    -Sidney Wagner
    Eclectic Interior Design Group

  2. that chair it great. I have a thing for black chairs right now too

  3. love yard sales!! and great shoes btw!

  4. LOVE the sandals! I have an old wooden chair that I want to redo. Maybe we could have a girls day and you could help me. I don't really know where to start!

  5. the chair is great and has lots of potential re-purposed... i can't rationalize the shoe purchase for you ;-) you are doing great though paula!

    xo, J :)

  6. You get a pass on that one because those shoes are totally worth it! And what a bargain to boot!

  7. I just love that you found a great chair for such a good price! And those sandals....love them! I, too, find myself making purchases in the same way!

  8. oh...those are pretty cute! I may have caved to if I saw those!!!

  9. Can't go wrong w/ those sandals!

  10. At least they were a great deal! LOVE the chair. If you ever want someone to go to yard sales with please call me!!!

  11. Cute sandals. And that chair was $5? what a steal!


  12. The chair is such a find.... but those sandals? Even better.

  13. I LOVE that chair! It has such great lines. You could always add casters to the feet and use it as a desk chair. I'm actually looking for the perfect chair to do that with myself :)

  14. what a great chair....those shoes are darling too!!!

  15. Love the sandals...a great purchase.

  16. love love love that chair - what a great find

  17. what a great find with that chair! and very sweet looking sandals too!

  18. $5 for the chair! Amazing. I wouldn't have been able to pass that up!

    Also those sandals were originally $98 and you got them pratically for a song!

    So don't feel too bad. Great purchases.

  19. This post made me smile... Love your description of buying the sandals! And what a great yard sale find!

  20. love the chair -- I've seen them called library chairs or office chairs and have been on the hunt for one for our office.

  21. I have an addiction to shopping for home stuff as well.. There have been so many deals and sales going on that its hard to resist!


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