In the dining room I added a mirror that we had and a few plates. The mirror I painted mega griege by Sherwin Williams. This room gets lots of light so I added a natural touch with plants. The candle sticks were all thrift store finds.
This is the main living room. The wall behind the chair is huge and I could never find the "perfect" addition to fill it up a bit. Three years later we came up with a solution. The picture was taken by my husband at our favorite beach spot. We had it blown up and my husband cut it to fit six Ikea ribba frames.
In my entry I simply added a couple of reader's digests and a Penguin Classic, but after seeing this from A Little Sussy I am thinking I want to add more. A lot more.
Our master has the addition of the two front pillows. A friend bought them at market for her home, but they did not work. I traded two lamps for them. And yes, I should have made my bed better for the picture, but I was just grateful the kiddos did not jump on it while I was taking it.
The bath I painted Benjamin Moore stratton blue when we moved in. It's the main bath and sits between the kiddos rooms. I wanted to tone it down a bit, but was not willing to paint. I am somewhat over painting for awhile, so I took out all the red accents and added black and white. The towels are from Ikea, the antlers were an ebay score, and the shower curtain which set the whole tone is from Target.
Finally here is the new gallery wall. We had all black frames prior to this and we wanted to mix it up a bit. Of course you can tell it's not completed, but its on its way. I was going to slipcover the bench in a fabulous pink, but I think it's too much for my neutral love so the fabric will become a couple of pillows for Ellie's room and I will do something neutral. The garden stool I found at T.J Maxx for $30.
Currently I have my dining chairs and a bench that goes at the end of my bed at the reupholsters. I will share those as soon as they come back. Again, nothing too jazzy, but more practical for the kiddos. It's how I roll these days.
What a wonderful surprise today, I had gone overseas, came back a few days ago and was just catchingup on my fav blogs, I love this post. Your home is so stylish, beautifully decorated yet looks lived in :)
Lovely little corners of your home. Yes, those penguin classics and book ends look amazing, I loved them too.
What a treat!! Everything looks amazing. Love the coral lamp! I saw one like it at Homegoods and fell in love but had no spot for it. It looks perfect in your home. Also loving your RD books!! I am still moving my around!! Thanks for the tour!
I love your mix of wood tones and furniture-- it looks so welcoming! Can't wait to see more-- beautiful!
I just LOVe seeing inside people's homes. YOurs is so calming and relaxing and so YOU!! I love how you stay true to what you adore, also love your bathroom color with those black stripes and that gallery wall, can't wait to see more!
Oh, everything looks great! You're doing a great job, it just feels so warm and inviting.
Paula- It all looks great. Definitely inspires me to move around some things and play with what I have. I need to 'update' around here!
The gallery wall looks great! I love gallery walls!
How lovely to share in a few corners of your wonderful home. All looks so stunning and I too especially love your new gallery wall with the mixed frames.
You must be very proud of your beautiful home.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful home. Love all the tweaking. xo
Paula, your home is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing. I love the dining room, the buffet with plants and the plates hung is so lovely! Your gallery wall is going to be quite spectacular, the mix looks great! xo
oh, thanks so much for that look. So stylish; and your little touches make each room. It is a real and rare treat to see real homes like this! Thanks!
Gorgeous!! love your bedroom and the plants you added. So springy!
I love all the new updates to your home! My favorite is the multi-frame picture and the plants. So pretty.
Beautiful home Paula! I love what you did in your dining room and how you styled the console. Also love the white console in your entry.
You sure be a bussie bee.
Great additions to your warm and cozy house.
Oh it is looking so wonderful. You truly have done a wonderful job.
Keep on sharing!
xx - Christina
I love the little plantings. Are those ikea pots? I got several of the readers digest books last year for free, they have the most beautiful covers and I am loving the penguin classics too. oh and i think messy beds are the thing now!
Your house looks so peaceful and uncluttered. I love it.
I am with you on not wanting to paint for a while, but my guest room is begging me to paint it.
You are a very talented designer! Your house looks SO delightful!
It's looking great Paula, really! You've inspired me to get moving on my bedroom. I painted it a few weeks ago, but that's where it ended. Its current state of total disarray has GOT to go!
Wow, what a place! I am very drawn to the beach picture in your main living room. Thank you for sharing!
how lovely! i love your gallery wall - i'm going to start assembling one of my own soon!
your white sidetable is gorgeous, as is all of your art.
such great picks you have!
Love your home - it's so calming, but still looks like a family really enjoys time there. Thanks for sharing!
Your home is beautiful. Everything seems to work so well together-what great finds and choices! You are one girl who knows what she likes.
Looks wonderful! ps- just went by the new Lovelady thrift store in Irondale and they had quite a few of those Reader's digest books on the shelf. I wish now I had taken a closer look so I could tell you what kind of condition they were in. -Katie P.
Everything looks so pretty... you are so talented!!!! I am so no good at pulling things together. LOVE the gallery wall... so glad you posted it it.. this is on my list and I just need to take the plunge and get going! Are you going to do all black and white or color or a mix?
Maybe I should get rid of my cable.. and then I could get more done ;) xx
Your house is amazing! I cant tell that it fits your personality perfectly!
I love the antlers in the bathroom. I just got a "pair" for the dining room which I am hoping to put up this week!
That Stratton blue in the bathroom is perfect! The house is lovely.
Truly lovely Paula!! The gallery wall is perfect. xo
I'm with you getting tired of paint colors quickly. I just painted my guest bedroom blue. I think I may have gone a little too bright because I already want to repaint. But like you, I'm over painting right now!
Your house looks great. Thanks for sharing!
YAY! I'm loving it all very very much! I especially like that bed side table to the left (my left) haha..
what pretty spots...especially digging the plates and new mirror and the gallery wall! love!
love your plates in the dining room, husband's picture cleverly displayed in the living room, silver apple bookend, and garden stool in the foyer. you've got some killer style, especially for being kid friendly! loved this glimpse into your gorgeous home.
your home is beautiful, and i love that silver apple.
Your house is beautiful! I love you furniture pieces, especially your headboard!
Lila Ferraro
Queen Bedroom Sets
Love the gallery area. That has been on my to-do list for years. Time to get cracking on it....thanks for the inspiration!
Wow! So very pretty! Big fan of hanging plates and antlers too, and the color of your trim is amazing! Thanks for sharing these lovely glimpses into your home.
wow, you have so many great pieces! gorgeous
I bought the same garden stool at TJ's but all they had left was "black-eyed-susan" yellow, which doesn't work so well in my den. I want to spray paint it...any thoughts? I want it to stay pretty and glossy like its original form!
I love it when you show pics of your house. You have such a great eye, and you have little ones like me, so it seems realistic to have stylish things even at this stage in life!
your home is so elegant, classy and lovely! and i LOVE the plants. i think plants make all the difference in the world in home decor!
Love all the little touches that really add so much to each space. The picture wall is fab. thanks so much for sharing.
I adore so many of the details, particularly the styling in your bathroom-- love that color! You're home seems to perfectly reflect your warm personality so glad you shared!
I adore so many of the details, particularly the styling in your bathroom-- love that color! You're home seems to perfectly reflect your warm personality so glad you shared!
Amazing! Thank you for sharing. Your beautiful! I especially love the Ikea framed photo. Beautiful idea!
Your house is beautiful, I LOVE the dining room with all that light- you are so lucky. I also really like where your photo wall is going, all of your and your husbands photos are going to be beautiful up there!
Oh my goodness! Adorable. You have done such an amazing job. Lots the little pots in the dining room.
Oh my goodness! Adorable. You have done such an amazing job. Lots the little pots in the dining room.
Love the gallery wall. I want to do that in my kitchenette area. You've got me thinking. And I love the Penguin Classics. Those are all beautiful.
Your home is beautiful! It's the type of home that feels so relaxed but it's still so stylish. I think you should get a bigger collection of Classic Penguin books. They look lovely all lined up.
Love all the additions! My favorite is the picture your hubby cut up for the four frames. Too good!
Love the updates and the gallery wall!
Love the updates and the gallery wall!
Your house looks like the kind of place I'd like to spend a little time in and relax! Very cool, but very homey too. Thanks for sharing.
I spent a bit of time leaving you a comment about your beautiful home yesterday and my internet stopped working! Bummer!
So here is todays comment...
I really love your buffet and the plants really make if feel like spring. And the gallery wall is looking awesome!
You prove that you can have nice things with children in the house.
Love love love the gallery wall!
it all looks so amazing! it's so fun to see the work you have done. I love the plants in the dinning room, and LOVE the antlers! wow!!! I want some! lovely, lovely home!
Wow! Why don't you post more photos of your photo on here? It's gorgeous!
Your house has changed since so much since I've been there (almost 2.5 years ago i think!). It looks amazing. You have great taste and talent Paula!
Love the little tours of your home and how it is always changing. I'm the same way. I wonder if one day I will finally get it just perfect and I will leave it be? Probably not!
Also, I picked up several of those Readers Digest books while thrifting a few weeks ago. Love the covers!
Everything looks beautiful!
fabulous, fabulous. As I read through I thought to myself "oh I'll comment on this one" but I thought that about every single photo! Your place looks great Paula, every room. So great
I adore the beach picture in the six IKEA frames! Already thinking about where I can do this at our house. Great little decorating ideas, and lovely home!
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