
This past weekend I finally watched It's Complicated and I fell head over heels so much so that I watched it twice. The home was stunning but what had me most in awe was the garden. It is simply my dream garden. I am quite proud of what I have done in our yard so far, but I would love to add more. My home's yard is not quite as grand (or even close) as the one in It's Complicated, but this one is quite similar only on a smaller scale. It has me swooning. Any gardeners out there now how much something like this (backyard only) would run me? I am assuming it would be more than our home is worth, ha! This gorgeous home is owned by Troy Rhone of Troy Rhone Garden Design. The home is up for sale, but again out of our price range for just under $390,000. Did I mention how much I love this garden?
I grew up going to church with him and his sister! He is so talented!
Love that movie! For how much it made me laugh, and the home/garden, and her store! Amazing.
Paula, it is perfect!! What curb appeal. I wish I had a green thumb and not the kiss of death when it comes to plants.
All those perfectly manicured boxwood hedges...be still my heart!
Who can blame you, it's gorgeous. I love that he did this in a lovely suburban backyard, not on the grounds of an unattainable estate. It looks do-able if you plan well, take it step-by-step, and allow the design to evolve over time.
My favorite part is the seating area created by the raised beds. What a lovely spot. By Atlanta standards this place is a steal!
This is gorgeous! Love love love it!
I agree...I love the idea of using mostly greens in a garden. That's what I am planning for the small gardens at our new apartment. I think it keeps everything elegant and understated.
His yard always looks fantastic--- they live close by and it's on my walking route! Love seeing what he does to his yard each season!
This house and yard are so sweet! I love the neatness of the yard with gravel paths, sitting area, and raised beds. Boxwoods are my fav!
I am actually having a landscape designer come out tomorrow to give me better curb appeal. I want to create a very charming front with stone walls (so new england), bench, paths and lots of flowers...lavender, catmint (love this plant) flowering trees and a parking area with path. I am so excited and hope it is within our budget...those darn budgets! I can't wait to do a before and after segment on my blog.
This place is perfect! I think the raised beds are my favorite part. Seems like a good DIY project...though not for me. We haven't had much luck around here taking on landscaping projects ;)
I drive past that house all the time...I love what they've done with it (and can't wait to see where they're going next!)
Awesome garden to keep on hand for inspiration. I feel like it's always so much work to maintain this but it's simply gorgeous!
Man what if that was my garden? Sigh...
It's so inviting! The home and the garden- What charm :) xx
Love the front and back yard of that home! Amazing. I too am trying to spruce up my yard and its quite costly and time intensive but so much fun.
much agreed -- the house & garden (and kitchen!!) on its complicated is most definitely drool-worthy. and ya gotta love alec baldwin.
Gorgeous. I love the backyard. It looks so perfect. - erica
That is a gorgeous yard! We have been working on ours for a few years now, i don't think it will ever be done.
I love the movie its complicated too! I saw it with my mom and we had tears we laughed so hard. Of course the house and garden make for some inspiring eye candy! Is it out on video...I have to check so I can see it again.
I just watched it too and feel like watching again for the design.. so great. What a sweet house and gorgeous garden. Perfection. I'm doing a giveaway...need some decor suggestions.. would LOVE your input!
See, here behind my CA real estate curtain, I'm going, WOW, look at what you get for that price! The house is amazing .... it makes me want to immediately want to move to the South. Oh man. It is gorgeous.
That really is a superb garden. I watched that film once and I know exactly what you mean.
I have been catching up on a programme here in England called Landscape Man and it is making me want to do some serious garden renovation!
Love this home and garden, and definitely loved It's Complicated! Saw it twice. :)
okay I have CRANED my neck driving by this house more than once. makes sense now. just saw the garden published in Birmingham Homes and Gardens! you should pick it up.
okay I'm back. you could a similar look with some strategically placed paths and raised beds, esp since you have a since flat yard already.
and NKP, the price seems good, but the house is teeeeeny tiny.
i love all the geometry in this garden — you could definitely recreate that in your own backyard! armed with inspiration, some sunny weather (is that so much to ask for?), and a handful of helpers, i have no doubt you could create something equally lovely.
this house has Americana written all over it!
i absolutely love it!
I just watched It's Complicated with my mom this weekend, and we were in awe of the garden too. I'm going to have to show this post to my mom, because this garden is stunning too!
okay...well i loved that movie so much and now i must have a garden that size.
That is a gorgeous yard!
indian classified site
WOW so beautiful!! xo
I await with anticipation our every year visit to my in laws. My MIL has the most amazing garden I have ever seen. It's out of this world.
I need to plant something, even just on my patio...
I did a post on that movie home set, and I'm so with you. It's amazing! Those pics for that garden are fantastic too. Love the path and garden.
How beautiful! I love gardens like this. Unfortunately I'm better at killing plants than growing them :/
x Jasmine
I adore it's complicated, I gifted it to myself for mom's day as well as my mom.. This house is so charming and with a fantastic garden. Are you house hunting?
What a coincidence ....I swear I just saw this home in this months' Southern Living Magazine....they were focusing in the gardens and driveway and it caught my eye because I have never seen cascading ivy like they have across the front windows.
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