The party for Ellie's 5th birthday was a smashing success. She is still talking about it play by play. We had a plethora of popcorn, cotton candy, cookies, and cake which make for some extra giddy children. We had a spot to get photos taken and a face painting station all under a tent of red and white pennants. My sweet sister was suppose to be the one doing the face painting, but Ellie and KJ thought it was more fun to paint her face, ha! A party for my favorite girl with friends and family makes for one lovely night. I must admit I am a bit exhausted, we also had a wedding to shoot on the same weekend, so now I rest. Oh happy day!
Ellies top hat made by me
Ellie and 5 stickers printed from here
Ellie's dress: Hijkids
210 feet of pennants: here
popcorn and face painting signs: Hobby Lobby
popcorn machine: a friends
top hats: here
cake stand decorated by me: petite square
Oh Happy Day printable: here
cupcake pennants made by me: lollipop sticks and this
Invites in case you missed them: here
Looks like the perfect party! I love many of the elements you have pulled together for it.
Incredibly fun!! Looks like Ellie and all of you had a great time, you did a great job, so beautiful!
Oh wow...absolutely adorable!!!
everything is just perfect!!! Love all the decorations and especially those cute lil black hats!
Paula, The was party is amazing!! The pictures look like a spread out of Martha Stewart!! I love that first picture of Ellie, adorable!! And that picture taking area, great job!!
I love the photos! Great job. I love the first one of the birthday girl!
Super cute idea for a party!
I love it! She looks so happy and the decor was perfect! The little cake with the elephant is too cute. I may have to "borrow" this idea when my little girl is a bit older :)
oh Paula! It's gorgeous! You have such a gift for pulling this stuff together... so fun! I am sure Ellie felt very special!
Fantastic job!!
Paula this is so adorable! Ellie looks like she had so much fun and who wouldn't at this super cute party!
what a great party...love the theme!
What fun! She's so cute, and I love the outfit!
Ellie is adorable. What a great party!
Are you kidding me? This is the most adorable party ever!
Happy birthday, Ellie!
Paula, this is adorable! Every detail is so fun! Ellie looks so happy.
So much fun, it looks like it was the perfect day! Great memories for life!!
Amazing! Ellie is going to treasure her memories (and the photos) forever. You deserve a mother of the year award.
How fun! I don't know a kid on this planet that wouldn't LOVE this birthday party! The details truly make it.
oh my goodness, I LOVE it! Please, will you come help me with Jack's and Meme's?!?!? I need you! And it made me smile SO big to see Aliza and her new (not so new anymore) baby brother and Lauren and Scott. Miss them so much. Love these pics and thanks so much!
What an awesome looking party! Ellie is a lucky girl. Now you should definitely put your feet up and rest!
Amazing party!!!
Paula- how freaking cute. I love every detail!!
So much fun!! She will remember this one, for sure. Please come do Wyatt's party for me.
So much fun!! She will remember this one, for sure. Please come do Wyatt's party for me.
so so SO CUTE! looks like it was a great time too!
Theeee most adorable evah. You are just so talented! thanks or sharing all the fun with us. Looks like Ellie had a fabulous time! Hope you are starting to feel more like yourself!
xoxo Trina
You rock my friend. Wow!! So glad it was a huge success... can you please walk me through planning my next party?! xx
What a perfect party! I absolutely love it :) On a side note, where did you find the silver magazine rack? I have been searching for one just like it! Ha ha.
This is just the cutest party ever! I love the hats and the striped backdrop. So original and fun!
Paula it looks amazing! Oh to be little again and have parties like this one. I am sure Ellie will never stop talking about it and will hold fond memories forever!
Wow... what a party! You are so creative---I love all the little details!
This is spectacular!
I have some earrings up for grabs on my blog. Check it out!
Adorable! i love every.single.detail!
FANTASTIC lady! love every.single.detail!
looks like so much fun! great job!
so adorable! I know she will remember it for a long time. love her cute little hat.
Looks like a smashing success. So many fun details and one happy party girl. Congrats, mama.
You kill me! It's so incredibly creative!! Just lovely!
I just love it all. Nicely done.
perfect! lovely shots.
The circus theme turned out SO well! What a beautiful party. And judging from your daughter's smile, a fun one too!
Looks fabulous. What a great theme. So well done, without going over the top too.
Looks like yall had a wonderful time... I am so sad that I wasn't able to be there
Please plan my next party! :)
awesome awesome awesome!
I wish we could have come LOL My daughter would have loved it :)
Oh my goodness, it's a five-year-old's heaven! You did an outstanding job :)
what a lucky little girl!! hope you are feeling better, too.
I want to be invited to the next birthday! haha! WHAT FUN!!! you and my mom both win in kid's birthday parties! She always did something unique for our parties and I cant wait to show her this :)
Bravo- this looked like the best 5-year-old birthday party ever!!I love the favors, face painting and red ticking throughout. Great job!
Oh wow! This is AWESOME! I'm not surprised she's still talking about - what a fantastic party. Hope you get to have a good rest now :)
Oh my goodness! I bet any child would love that party. It looked fantastic! The popcorn and cotton candy, the face painting and the photo booth. So wonderful!
wow, this is awesome and so magazine worthy!
i LOVE anything circus themed. so wonderful!
xo Alison
DARLING! Love everything!
Super cute party!!! I love it!!! :)
Oh my, that party looks precious. Happy Day to your sweet daughter. :)
OH wow! This is some serious fun...can see why she is still on cloud 9, great job! :)
What an adorable yet fun party! Didn't your hubs have to decorate? If so, well done although I am sure you planned it all. ARe you feeling better?
Oh. My. Gosh.
And you just had surgery??? Please be my party planner. Foreva.
What a perfect party! My little sister would love this.
How are you feeling?
x Jasmine
Coolest Party Ever for the the sweetest girl ever. It turned out wonderful! and I'm sure she will be talking about her circus party for years to come. I love all the details you put in to it, you continue to amaze me post after post. Rest up now, you deserve it
Awww! How precious and fun! Happy Belated Birthday, Ellie!
PAULA!! that is sooooo cute...i totally might have to steal that party idea for tay next year :) you did an amazing job!
btw...ellie is too cute and i LOVE her outfit!
let me just say....that i would still be talking about it if it were my party too! wow!
i just saw some super fun carnival party decorations at hobby lobby yesterday as i was perusing the isles for my hubs party stuff....and i wanted to change to a carnival party...really....badly! :)
Your party is wonderful!! I know you may not have time to answer this, but I have been looking high and low for something like your magazine/mail rack that you show hanging in one of your photos next to a sideboard. Would you be willing to share where you got this? My husband and I are having a little sorting the mail issue and need something like this to corral the paper. Yours looks slim--ones from Ballard are too wide for the space I hope to put it. Best wishes on your recovery!! Thanks! Hallie at letter.to.memphis at hotmail.com
What a fun and pretty party! You guys did a GREAT job. Hope you are recovering well from your surgery.
This party idea was so cute and looks like it was extremely fun! Happy Birthday Ellie!
omg, I want my wedding to be like that!! That party looks like the best time ever!
Oh, and have I told you that I would DIE to have you and your husband photograph my wedding. If only I wasent getting married in NH and you didnt live so far away that it would cost an arm and a leg to get you here :( I know this is a weird quesiton, but do you have any great photographer friends in the New England area??
sorry im late to the party paula but IT LOOKS INSANE!!! I mean perfection!!! So much fun & straight out of a magzine. beautiful party & pics and Happy iorthday to Ellie!! You're one amazing mama.
ahhh such a nice day. gorgeous cake and looks really delicious. :D
Her hat is SOOOOOO cute! so so so cute. I love the picture stand, that is the best.
Wow! That is really darling. I mean...really! Cute kids and I love your blog!
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