
Loving Color

This week I have had a dreadful cold that I just can't seem to shake. This has also been one crazy busy week and the two aren't playing quite well with each other. Monday I had some time to sit and do a bit of blog reading and I came across Live Like You. She is a designer who adores color, reusing what you have, and seems to have a heart of gold. Her home is much more bold than I normally gravitate to, but I must say I am smitten. Even my kiddos sat in awe while we went page to page. They seem to love color too, my bad...

Doesn't it just scream joy? I really do adore it. Tomorrow is KJ's birthday party and I am not ready. I am signing off early and will be back next week. I so recommend reading through Live Like Love. It really does inspire. Have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

I've seen pictures of her hallway before but never the rest- it's all just so so gorgeous! I am totally and utterly smitten with her use of colour and those blue velvet dining chairs- divine!!! Good luck with the party- I'm organizing my daughter's and know how much work it is:)

Ashley said...

The colors are gorgeous, and I love that you and your children looked through her blog together--how adorable!

Happy early weekend, Paula!

Mary said...

Beautiful...I couldn't do it, but I adore people who can.

Robin Baron @ Simplifying Fabulous! said...

Wow I love this! What vibrant fun?! This is a space you WANT to come home to for sure!

Stephanie Sabbe said...

hello! most color I've ever seen on your blog, ever:) love it. feel better soon!

Melissa @ Veranda Interiors said...

I love the foyer with the pink and zebra run, way more color than I could commit to...but I do love it.

LiveLikeYou said...

Hi Paula, Christine sent me over here! So nice to discover your blog! Thank You so much for that nice write up. I love that you looked through it with you kids!!

Lovin That! said...

Hope you feel better soon! Love this home and I'm getting inspired to add more colour to my home this spring too!

Melissa Marie Head said...

Those pink chairs are to die for! And the entryway - wow.

Splendid Willow said...

Hi Paula,

Isn't she great! A colorful Swede (finally!)! And her rooms do scream joy!

I am looking forward to meeting with her in person one of these days - and you too!

Hugs, Mon

quintessence said...

Was already a fan of the blog - her rooms are ablaze with color and love how she walk you through her projects!!

Anonymous said...

Love those pink chairs with the green walls! Thanks for sharing!


Nuha said...

I hope you'll feel better soon! I'm a bit of a neutral nelly, but for those pink chairs? I'll take color!

Char said...

feel better sweetie - i hope the party goes very well and you are feeling better soon.

Nicolle said...

Great pictures.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the suggestion...great blog! Love yours, too:)

Meagan @ Style-Edition said...

I adore that dining room! Thanks for sharing! good luck with the b-day


Allison {Live Love Small} said...

lovely home! i adore that rug. hope you feel better and happy birthday to your little superhero!

JMW said...

Love her use of colors! I'm hoping to add some color to our neutral walls - this post definitely inspires me!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog!
Have a wonderful weekend.

la la Lovely said...

Oh I've seen these before and have forgotten about them.. thanks for the reminder .. I'll be checking out her blog again! and I hope you feel better. It's so hard being sick when you're a mom and oh, have a big party to plan! Good luck and get some rest when the party is over!

Wahzat Gayle said...

Oh WOW love every room... I especially am in love with the dining room!

Happy Birthday KJ

Anonymous said...

I'm really feeling color these days too. If only I could commit! Hope you're feeling better soon, Paula. xo

angela hardison said...

isn't it funny how we can love COLOR so much and also lots of WHITE/NEUTRALS so much too? how can one ever decide? I'm thinking I'll try both approaches in our new house..

KeishaCory said...

i just found your blog from my friend Trina at lalalovely things. I love your blog and the posts Ive seen!

Kathysue said...

Love her blog and how she designs outside the box. Pure joy and fun for sure!! KS

Lindsey said...

this could totally be a post on gorgeous chairs too. love it!

Tamara said...

hope you feel better soon and have a lovely party. those colors are indeed so fun. i tend to gravitate towards cooler colors, but these warm ones are impossible not to appreciate.

Malinda said...

I'm the same way - I keep my house mostly neutral, but I love rooms full of bold color and pattern when I see them in other people's homes. I've slowly been adding color here and there...maybe one day I'll go all out and do a bold, colorful room. Thanks for sharing these pretty shots!

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

Wow these pictures are fearless with the color. Truly amazing.
Tomorrow starts a week of giveaways on A Taste of T

Victoria | Hibiscus Bloem said...

Those colours would life the spirits on a grey March day every time. So pretty.

My Interior Life said...

Yes, her use of color is inspiring! Love her blog!