I was very excited to see my room up on
Apartment Therapy, but not so excited with all the comments. Some people can be kind of nasty, oh well. What I do appreciate is all the sweet comments you all left for me here! I know it's not perfect, but it's mine and the wonky wallpaper fits my wonky personality. Although I did get some good advice on hanging something above the bed.

I saw this image over on
Element's of Style and I fell in love with it. I am now on the lookout for something similar. Hopefully next time I hang wallpaper it won't be so cringe worthy and I will be sure to match up the pattern. Luckily it's easy-change and if the need comes then I can well, simply change it. First time for everything right, ha! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
FYI: I received this lovely advise that will next time come in handy or be of use to some of you who might want to attempt this-
Anyway, Paula, just so you know for next time, the pattern should continue from sheet to sheet. It easy to calculate where to cut once you know the measurement of the repeat. (brilliant, really wish I figured that out before)-
I cannot imagine anyone being ugly to you!!! You will find the perfect thing for above your bed...I know it! :)
Don't let other people get you down, it looks great! I really love it! I do agree though something like you showed under would look great above the bed.
I saw it over there and thought it looked great! And that second bedroom is gorgeous. I love those lamps.
how exciting to have your lovely room featured on Apartment Therapy! and ingore those people, I always thought it's silly to judge a personal home negatively without knowing the person, as everyone's taste are different right?
your room is so light and refreshing, the green lampshades are just so gorgous, and I love the wallpaper, the colour is perfect and it brings a little fun with the pattern too! and that framed mirror is so beautiful too
Holy moly I can't believe people said anything bad. I loved it - was/am supremely in awe of how put together it feels (the settee in particular is adorable). They're probably just jealous that you're on AT! Keep it up :)
ok - that room from element's of style is nearly your bedroom! see? you have fANTASTIC taste. I am loving your room (and entire house for that matter.) you go girl - getting on apartment therapy is big time, I am super impressed.
Okay- I pulled up your blog- then went right on over to Apartment Therapy... People are crazy... and mean. I think your bedroom looks fabulous! Don't be discouraged! xo- Brooke
Hi Paula,
Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting!
Congrats on getting your room on AT! It looks great. Kudos on putting up the wallpaper yourself-I have always wanted to wallpaper my entry but have been too nervous to try. It all turned out great, don't listen to the AT commenters, they are notoriously harsh critics. I'd like to see what all their homes look like!
Wow someone being mean to you...obviously someone that didn't know who they were talking to.your such a sweet person. I really like the way the mirror kinda pulls everything together in that room picture, I like your room the way it is, but a some type of artwork would pull it all together.I read that Feb, and March is the time to do any home improvements, I don't know exactly why but it said that supplies are really reasonable. I like looking on Overstock.com they have alot of good ideas on there, and Ebay alot of times you can make good buys. Hope you have a fantastic day, I am enjoying your blog its too cute.
Okay I had to go check out your apartment on the site, and wow there are some really mean people out there.....I read a couple of the comments and could not believe the hate that people had.
It really looks beautiful - like I said, you've inspired me to finally finish my room (plus we have the exact same duvet and I'll be attempting wallpaper too!).
Sad that people are mean; ignore them :)
I love this room! What is wrong with those snarky people, there is no reason to leave rude messages! Love the wall paper by the way!
So exciting that you were featured, but it really broke my heart to read people being so mean. Your room looks fabulous - hope you won't let those comments damper your excitement because you've done a wonderful job.
I think your room looks PERFECT. I would not change a thing!!! That makes it even better that its off bc seriously who cares! It looks SOOOOOO good and I mean for real---these people leaving these yukky comments are sad inside..they have NOTHING BETTER to do. So, girl pat yourself on teh back adn scream out about your kick ass room! Love it! And congrat on the AT posting!
Congrats on the feature!! I think it looks great and agree the mirror would be a good addition. And I LIKE the wallpaper!
Blah. People can be so mean. Your room is amazing.
Oh, a huge congratulations to you!! That is very very exciting. Sorry some people were less than nice..they obviously don't have very good taste;)
I love your room. Never even noticed that the pattern doesn't match up. Can't wait to see whatever you find for over the bed!
They can be so mean on Apartment Therapy. I think it looks so lovely and not "wonky" at all. :)
oh honey...AT is a tough crowd...I have so many stories...if you feel a bit bruised feel free to email me and we can chat....p.s. I think your room is lovely....
Ellie -
Those AT commenters are lame. You room looks absolutely gorgeous and you should really be proud of yourself!! Great work!
I wanted to tell you that I'm pretty sure that black mirror is from Ballard. If I remember right the price was around $280. I can't find it on their website now (only this silvery one that's $100 more: http://www.ballarddesigns.com/Wall-Decor/Mirrors/All-Mirrors/Prisa-Mirror/p/9099?path=1%2C2%2C1468%2C1541%2C2513&iProductID=9099)
They are so nice at Ballard. I bet if you called the customer service line and asked about the black one they used to offer, they might be able to help you out.
That is, after your hiatus is over, of course! :)
huge congrats on the link! that's awesome. and your re-do is so great.
It is great for your first time! And I think a mirror would be a good addition. Be proud! :)
Hey Paula,
I have been a "silent reader" until now. I wanted to tell you that your room is fabulous. Don't even read those comments. People can be ridiculous. You are creating a beautiful home that ministers to your family and enables your husband to minister to others. Keep up the great work!
Hey Paula,
I found your blog from facebook and love it!!! I really do love what you have done to your bedroom. It is beautiful...come decorate my house anytime!! See ya
I saw the picture of your bedroom and thought it was from Domino magazine! It looks beautiful.
There are quite a few companies out there that make cool mirrors like the one in the Element of Style photo. SOmething like that would look great above your bed.
Well I just have to tell you that on first glance of your room I was overcome with envy. It's beautiful and I'm horrified that anyone would suggest otherwise. That wallpaper is probably my favorite part. It adds texture without overwhelming the room and I love that.
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