In case you were not aware, I sew. I hope to start an etsy shop with my little creations one day. Anyway, I decided this year I was going to make my little lady's spring and summer clothes this year. During the summer we only wear dresses and skirts, because of the insane heat. This all leads me to say I will need to purchase fabric soon. It gets hot here too soon for me to wait much longer though. In the end this should save us tons of money as long as I can stay out of Crewcuts. My daughter also gets giddy when I make her something special so that's extra bonus.
Now that I got that out of the way, I want you to know how easy this hiatus has become. I do not want to buy anything. I simply do not want to spend my husband's hard earned money. I also can not believe that came out of my mouth/fingers! Maybe there always was a frugal lady living inside me. This week I am even participating in a huge consignment sale for babies and kids. We are done having children atleast for awhile so it all must go. See, I am even making money. Now I must go and get all that stuff ready. Have a lovely day!
Very pretty blog... good luck with your sewing dreams! -Mindy
I'm really impressed. I'm struggling after two. Congratulations!
P.S. Your little girl's clothes (and her) are adorable!
I am so glad that you are enjoying the fruits of your shopping hiatus. I too am realizing how easy it becomes after a while and how liberating it is. I just did sale like that a couple weekends ago... called a mom2mom sale. It was great to get rid of a bunch of stuff and most importantly see it go to good homes instead of me just hoarding it in the basement for no good purpose! have a great week!
Love how you described your daughter getting giddy over your new creations for her. That's inspiration!
Have fun consigning... Hope you make lots of money!
congratulations on mastering the shopping hiatus! it's so amazing that you sew too!
I'm so impressed! It is hard not to shop, but your doing great! I think I may do a Shopping Hiatus for Lent which starts next week. What a good idea to make all her clothes for the summer --for material maybe you can use your old clothes, or some to donate? that skirt is adorable by the way.
did you get to go to the dinner theater this year? if so what night? we had so much fun!
you are doing awesome! Can't wait to see your etsy shop!
J :)
What an inspirational post, deary! I love the idea of wearing nothing but skirts and dresses all summer long! It would be perfect. I can't wait to see your shop open up!
oh Paula you are too, too kind!
i'm with you though...it's getting easier. it feels pretty great, doesn't it!
I can not WAIT to see more of your creations! Wish you could teach ME to sew!!
I love that you sew (and am very jealous, as I can hardly put a button back on) and think it would be wonderful if you start an etsy shop. I would love to start an etsy shop too but the problem is that I don't know what to make/sell:)
Can't wait to see your etsy shop! I can't imagine what wonderful things you will make - you are so creative!
I love to sew too, but can never find the time like I wish...maybe when I get a break. Thanks for stopping by my blog-- I always welcome visitors!
My girls LOVE the skirts you made them!! :) You are so talented!
Adorable skirt!
I really want to try this. I always find myself in random stores just looking for something to buy when in no way I need it! You are very inspiring, let's get together soon!
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