I am super excited about this months Coastal Living review. The March issue is AMAZING! The kind of amazing that even when March is over it will sit out instead of being filed away with the rest. There were so many beautiful features that it was hard to choose which one I would feature, but I chose the one that featured a home that has 6 little ones.

Absolutely stunning, am I right? They also feature one of the girls rooms in the magazine that is breathtaking. It really is such a dream.
Oh, and did I mention Erika from Urban Grace has a 6 page spread on her kitchen designs. I could not be anymore excited for her!
Also Bobbi Brown shares what's inside her L.L. bean beach bag. Her list makes me think she and I were separated at birth. Except change her havaianas to rainbows and we are in business.
Really this is a must have issue. I can't get enough of it!
*and as always I do not get paid by Coastal Living to write a monthly review, I do it because I love this magazine and they asked if I would be interested in doing so. Nothing more than that.
wow Paula this does like one killer issue! i might have to pick it up!! I can't get over that headboard that just keeps on going, very creative and smart! thanks for sharing!
i know! I love that house. I found myself just staring at the details.
I haven't seen the new issue in person (it takes forever to get my subscriptions down here in Brazil :(
but I also thought last month's issue was great.
At first, when CL replaced my (much beloved) Cottage Living subscription, I wasn't all that thrilled, since I didn't know if the "beach livin'" concept would apply to me, but I must say, I'm more than happy to have these glossies in my collection! Can't wait to see March!
Loved this issue as well!
It is on my list to sit down with this weekend.
Wow - I'm going to pick up a copy today. Those photos are gorgeous!
That house is gorgeous, and just so full of life.
These pictures are so pretty! I've been thinking about picking this issue up since I knew Erika was in it but now I definitely want to!
You are absolutely right! There is something so clean and sophisticated about those white stairs/balustrades,handrail with the grey runner. Very chic! Marija
Ok, I'm buying one today. Sounds and looks stunning! Thanks for the tips!
Loves, T
Wow. Wow. I am actually bouncing in my chair looking at those. Where's my copy?! This is the most perfect blend of architecture and furnishings EVER. Wow.
love the master! Might have to pick up a copy!
I'm with ya. this is the best issue. it will be going in the keep file!
The bedroom up there looks like the perfect retreat! Wow :)
That house and family were both fantastic. I was reading it looking for Erica's designs (which were killer) but was so surprised by the California house. This issue is a saver. MB
Oh my goodness - gorgeous!!
I so need to go get a copy of that issue! Although it will make me yearn for the beach I can tell already.
These pictures confirm how badly I wish I lived by the ocean. I love the beach, colors, temperature.... thanks for the beautiful post.
I picked up the issue earlier this week and loved everything!
Don't miss my giveaway tomorrow!
I think I may go out and buy it know all because of you posting. I know you didn't get any kick-backs but in my personal opinion you should at least get a free subscription now:-)
I've never bought Coastal Living before, but these images are convincing me I need to make a run to Borders! Thanks for sharing!
i was just staring at this amazing house last night. fresh, clean, uncluttered. and 6 kids! the kid on the scooter reminded me of how i used to ride my big wheel (do they still make those?!? or have i just dated myself?) through our house. i'm sure banging into the baseboards as i went. bless parents.
oh! that runner, the master, antler chandelier, dining chairs (both sets)... all delicious! xo
I la la loved this issue too! I couldn't get enough! In fact, I did a post on a different house they highlighted today too! Nice! :) This house was next on my to do posts....isn't it fantastic! Have a nice one!
Love the brick wall in the dining room! Wishing for some warm weather here...those pictures are gorgeous!
It's so bright! Love it! Makes me want more sunshine!
I need to go get this! I do not have a subscription but it looks soo good.
gorgeous light in that home. very pretty. but now i want to see bobbi's bag.
very nice. SO clean is what I have to say with 6. Not sure I could pull that off. And I love the painting of the dog! A splash of sunny yellow!
Thanks -
OK! That settles it, I need to get this magazine! You should get a commission you make it sound so good! And that front foyer entry is TDF. (have both Havianas and Rainbows...no contest, Rainbow all the way, can't wait to start wearing them again)
Beach house... is one of my dream, and I have a infinite wishlist! But the beach the sun the sea are what I love the most!
Wow! Look at those views ... peace and inspiration should be a constant flow in that cottage!
thanks paula!!! xo
agreed, lots of good stuff. so excited for Erika, it's such a great feature (and really beautiful work)
It's true. Best issue they've had in a while!! I'm saving it for my beach trip and I can't wait to devour it like an animal!!
That sounded creepy.. but I'm leaving it. :)
i really think i'm going to have to get a subscription to that magazine, because i've seen so many beautiful photos from it lately! love the images you posted.
I am going to have to pick up the magazine this weekend. I am so happy for Erika too! I love her design. xo
I'm lovin the layering of mirrors... I always thought that it could be overdoing it, but you've proved me wrong. Also, really enjoying the rest of the images underneath too! Beautiful.
Your reviews of the magazine always make me yearn for the seaside. Our coast is gorgeous but the sea is just grey at this time of year. So desperate to see some blue seas like these.
I love the March issue, too -- and the house you feature is fabulous. I also love the kitchens that Erika did.
And, I'm a Rainbows girl, too!
coastal living is the best. I love this magazine too.
i couldn't agree more. i read it from cover to cover this past weekend and loved the stories.
I'm liking the white chairs! They look innovative and have a really cool geometric element.
Charlotte, Lovely at Your Side
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