Jenny from Little Green Notebook posted this image with the idea of layering mirrors. I was smitten. We currently have the one huge mirror that is in most mass builders homes and I have always been too scared to rip it down. I just adore this option, but I was was not willing to spend very much either. Well, I was in Target the other day and came across two frame less mirrors on clearance for $19.00 a piece. The size and shape are perfect...
Anyone have any brilliant ideas on how to hang them safely now? I would love your thoughts. The mirrors are fairly heavy.
Hey paula!! i layered mirrors in my living room. I saw the idea awhile ago and fell in total love. I have a heavy mirror which i hung according to its weight with fixtures from home depot. then I have a pretty lightweight starburst one over top that I hung with fishing line believe it or not!!! its still hanging now!!
here's the photo link:
I have no idea how you would pull this off...but really hoping you figure it out, it looks like such a great idea! Good Luck.
No idea but I can't wait to see the finished product!
I don't have an idea on how to hang, I guess you could try heavy duty double sided hooks? They usually have their weight restrictions on the instructions? But I mainly just wanted to say this picture is beautiful. I love the ginger jar as a flower pot. Lovely!
Oh, I love this idea! And that mirror is so pretty!
My thoughts... those 3M wire picture hangers like these: or if it doesn't have wire on the back, those same kind with the saw tooth hangers. I would just make sure to use more than one.
I can't wait to see how it turns out Paula!
We are in the process of doing our bath and I came home to the big mirror finally off the wall, yahoo... I like having 2 separate mirrors, I will keep the layer look in mind. Thanks for the perfect timing!! Have a golden weekend! xo
dear anonymous, I chose to delete your comment. My blog is not a place to trash other people. Oh, and I strongly believe in not being judgmental. Thanks-paula
I just LOVE the look of layered mirrors... how fun! I would tend to agree with Kotori, I've used a lot of the 3M products to stick stuff up. Maybe use multiples to take account for the weight. Can't wait to see it all finished!
I love the look of layered mirrors and finding stuff in the clearance at Target is the best!
love the mirror you got...can't wait to see the final results!! have a great weekend paula!
I think it is a great look and I love the photo you used. Let us know if you get one hung. Also, I had my blog redesigned. Thoughts? :}
Years ago there was this fabulous little home decor shop in the town I grew up in. It was an old home converted to a shop and their home. I used to work for the owner if she went out of town.. in her bathroom, she had done this exact thing..and to this day I think of it. I can't wait to see how you get these up! Then I just might do the same ;) In past houses we have framed the big mirror with trim.. xo
Hey Paula! In our Ross Bridge house we had this problem bc the workers glued the big huge mirrors in the bathrooms before we had the chance to tell them not to. I ended up propping a framed mirror in the middle of the 2 sinks because I was at a loss on how to nail it up. Although I thought about suspending it from above the big mirror with some sort of cool ribbon or wire or something. Let us know how you end up getting it to work!
OK this might be completely dumb, but I wonder if you could hang the mirrors with that Magic Putty stuff that Billy Mays used to sell? It's supposed to bond glass. It that ridiculous?
I love the idea though!
My husband bought me that little gadget that beeps when it finds a beam (house structure) hidden behind the wall so I can hang heavy pictures on it. Problem is, those are never exactly where I want them! I LOVE the idea of layering mirrors. How fun!
I love this idea! We have the big mirror too. When we did some work to the bathroom I had my husband drill holes in it to put sconces on it.
I can't wait to find out how you do it. I would really like to try it!
Have a great weekend, and get those mirrors hung!
Those mirrors are just beautiful. What a great find!
I love the contrast on the first picture with the old/antique and the new/modern - stunning.
Fun! I loved that image on LGN too! I never would have thought of this. Good luck..I'd be scared of falling mirrors too!
What a great idea! I bet it will look great. Have a great weekend.
So pretty!! So here's two different framing ideas... hang them on a ribbon from a hook at the ceiling (no drilling in to glass) or if you decide to hang on the glass... make sure you use some painters tape over the area that you'll drill through and use a glass bit. the second option worked for me when I needed it :) hope this helps! happy weekend! xo e
ps- can't wait to see!! they're going to look fabulous!
Your mirror is a great find and I think it will look perfect layered - something about the framelessness (is that word?) seems perfect. The first thing I thought when I saw Jenny's post was "how the heck do you do that?". Let us know!!! Marija
I totally almost bought that same mirror the other day at Target!!! I might have to be a copy cat and do this in my daughter's bathroom!
Make sure you show the pics if you end up layering them!
Great find! I layered mirrors like this in a client's bathroom and first off we hung it from a hidden nail above the mirror and on ribbon however you could see the back of the front mirror in the back mirror. So my brilliant handyman took off all the hanging hardware and used heavy duty Velcro to hold them together so you could not see the reflection and if ever needed, the Velcro can be removed. Yours might be too heavy for this but it worked great on her's! Good luck!
What an absolutely beautiful idea! Although I have no clue how you would hang it. Ah ha
Really nice idea!
I think this will look great!
I have no idea how to hang them safely...I have only hung mirrors on the wall directly. However, you might want to stop in at your local hardware store - my neighbour did this in her powder room - and it turned out lovely...
Have a fun weekend :)
Love the layered mirror look...this is a gorgeous example! Tracey xx
Ohhh I wish how I knew how to pull this off! Do post an "after" picture---I'm dying to hear how it goes. It will look lovely! XO
Did you see that Jenny posted some pics of how she did it?
I agree, please post an after picture!
I am so jealous! Another great Target find... I have no idea how to hang the mirror but I love the color of the fabric on chair seen in the mirror. Good luck, I can't wait to see the finished project .
I haven't a clue how to help, but I can't wait to see you do it! I never would have thought of that, but I simply love the idea. Best of luck!
I guess you've seen Little Green Notebook today- she tells how to do it!
gosh, have i missed that pretty blog of yours and its beautiful pics...
like your new header!
That is a great deal. I hope it works out I know it will be great.
I love the layered mirror looks! I need to try it on our mirror as well.
Little Green notebook just did this, if you haven't seen it already!
x T
i have never seen this concept and I am in love with it! ugh! more pictures :) !!!
Layering mirrors would be something I never would have thought of, but I agree! I'm smitten. And the mirrors you bought are a great, affordable, and very close replicas. I'm sure the original would cost a walletfull!
Charlotte, Lovely at Your Side
Love your blog! Good post :)
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