

I have parties on my mind. Maybe it's because it's one of my best friends birthday today {Happy Birthday sweet Lauren}. Well, if I were going to a party I would wear this metallic beauty and slide on the perfect pair of flats. I wouldn't need to bring much except a little gloss so this bag should do. I would bring a unique set of bowls wrapped with love and a gift tag that would make it all that extra special. I would enter through a gorgeous entry way that I would secretly wish were mine, but my friend would notice my ring and wish it were her's. I think a trade would be in order.

And no Lauren this is not really your gift, but I think you will love what I got you anyway. I am not really made of money, I just like to dream a little. Although you already knew that.


Dining Alfresco

I would simply want to spend all my time out here. Is that too much to ask?

{via Newlywed Diaries}


Eating in Style

Here are a few eating areas that have caught my eye lately. They are all so different, but the one quality they do share is that they are unique. I am all about embracing what you love.

{via the neo-traditionalist, Pink Wallpaper, House & Home, please do tell I forgot}


New Moon

I know I shared my dirty little secret awhile back and found out quite a few of you were in the same boat as I, but I bet you didn't know how far I could go. Well, with the release of New Moon my dear friend Damaris threw a little New Moon party for a few of her dorkiest I mean devoted friends. This was a real treat since I rarely ever do a girls night...

Wolf cupcakes made by Lauren, she's team Jacob and used to work at a bakery...

The party was Tuesday night and I had no time to bake, because of the big kitchen project. This is raspberry chipotle sauce over over fat free cream cheese and wheat thins. An easy and yummy snack. It also reminded me a bit of blood...

Party favors...

{Lauren on the left, Me, and Damaris}

We are officially ready for the release of Eclipse now, ha!



On Tuesday Brooke came over to help me tackle my kitchen backsplash and I could not be more excited about the results. I stuck with a simple 3x6 white subway tile with white grout. The process was much easier than I had expected, but the clean up took much longer. The actual tile job took about 6 hours with only a lunch break in between. Brooke really is my hero. She doesn't have much longer till her due date and she had more stamina than I do on my best day. I really could not have done this without her. Well, her and him. He passed out tile like no other...

Sweet Brooke rocking it out. Yes, I did help, but I did stop to take a few pics in between...

The finished product, well besides the outlet covers. That will be happening tonight with the help of the hubbs...

I am so happy!



In case you didn't know my husband does a bit of photography on the side. I am second shooter on weddings but this is pretty much his baby. This lovely lady is a good friend of ours and he had the pleasure of doing her bridals. Stunning isn't she? Oh, and the dress was her mothers that she had altered into a more modern line, just gorgeous. You can check out more of his work here.


Rikshaw Design

Every once in awhile I go a little crazy and think that I must be pregnant. MUST be. No, we are not trying and yes we have decided that we are done, but still. Anyway while I was lying awake for much too long I started to think of what bedding I would use and of course I picked Rikshaw Design. Oh, and did I mention in my little crazy world I was having twins and then got a little panicky because there is no way we could afford two sets so then I came to the conclusion that surely she would have a sample sale before I gave birth. Anyway, today I am back to reality and decided that it would be quite a miracle if I were pregnant and that I will instead start saving for a cute little tunic that will be coming out this spring. I am so excited!

Today me and this fabulous lady are starting my kitchen back splash! Share the outcome soon.



This past weekend we had a small tease of spring like weather. I got to wear my spring dresses and opened toe shoes. It was rather lovely. Well, the tides have turned once again and we are back to the dreary cold. I must say it has me in a bit of a funk that I am having a hard time shaking, so gray is the color of the day. Which also happens to be one of my favorites. Matthew 6:27 will be my scripture of the week. God is greater than my funk.

J.Crew / Message / Mary Ruffle / Anthropologie / Rock Paper Scissors / Martha / Penguin Classics / J.Crew



After seeing the top image on High Street Market I was quickly reminded how much this home inspires me. It one of those that I never tire of. It is from the June/July '08 Domino issue, one of my fave issues of all time. I even used the second image as inspiration for my style test that Kirsten of Simply Grove did of me way back in '08. I must say all the images I used then would make my list today. Oh, and what did my style test come out to be... Traditionally modern with a love for sporadic rustic and natural elements. She was spot on I believe.



This home is the perfect mix of being swoon worthy and child friendly. I look at images like this and just fall head over heels for all the color, so why can I not personally live with it baffles me. One of my favorite pieces in the article is when the owner and designer Jenny Keenan states, "I love things to be beautiful and be perfect, but that's just not realistic. Baskets are a pretty and practical way to sort of have it both ways." I must agree, baskets have become my best friends too.

{via Better Homes & Gardens}

And always I love to see my sweet babies up on Party Perfect. So fun!



I am quite smitten with the line by Maria Sharapova for Cole Hann. Wouldn't mind having a pair or two. I also would not mind having her legs, just saying.

{brilliant photography by The Shelby}


A Few Favorite Kitchens

I have kitchens on the brain. I am starting my kitchen back splash very soon and I could not be more excited. A simple white subway tile. These are a few kitchen favorites I've saved around blog land. They inspire me.


Around the House

I feel like I am continually tweaking our home. I have some new additions and changes that I thought I would share. Nothing big, but I enjoy them just the same.

In the dining room I added a mirror that we had and a few plates. The mirror I painted mega griege by Sherwin Williams. This room gets lots of light so I added a natural touch with plants. The candle sticks were all thrift store finds.

This is the main living room. The wall behind the chair is huge and I could never find the "perfect" addition to fill it up a bit. Three years later we came up with a solution. The picture was taken by my husband at our favorite beach spot. We had it blown up and my husband cut it to fit six Ikea ribba frames.

In my entry I simply added a couple of reader's digests and a Penguin Classic, but after seeing this from A Little Sussy I am thinking I want to add more. A lot more.

Our master has the addition of the two front pillows. A friend bought them at market for her home, but they did not work. I traded two lamps for them. And yes, I should have made my bed better for the picture, but I was just grateful the kiddos did not jump on it while I was taking it.

The bath I painted Benjamin Moore stratton blue when we moved in. It's the main bath and sits between the kiddos rooms. I wanted to tone it down a bit, but was not willing to paint. I am somewhat over painting for awhile, so I took out all the red accents and added black and white. The towels are from Ikea, the antlers were an ebay score, and the shower curtain which set the whole tone is from Target.

Finally here is the new gallery wall. We had all black frames prior to this and we wanted to mix it up a bit. Of course you can tell it's not completed, but its on its way. I was going to slipcover the bench in a fabulous pink, but I think it's too much for my neutral love so the fabric will become a couple of pillows for Ellie's room and I will do something neutral. The garden stool I found at T.J Maxx for $30.

Currently I have my dining chairs and a bench that goes at the end of my bed at the reupholsters. I will share those as soon as they come back. Again, nothing too jazzy, but more practical for the kiddos. It's how I roll these days.



This weekend a very dear friend of ours is getting married. With this spring like weather I am feeling quite glamorous. I think I will done a fabulous dress, kick up my heels, lay the pretty little clutch in my lap while sitting ever so elegantly in a gorgeous chair while I savor every bite of a yummy cupcake. Let's not forget that my pretty little earrings would sway as I walked to admire the beautiful flowers. Of course, this all would be ever so lovely if my funds were unlimited, ha! I hope you all have such a wonderful weekend. Any big plans?